Thursday, July 9, 2009

10 Tips for Online Dating Safety

The internet has changed the world of dating both good and bad. Finding romance is now easier than ever. That’s the good news. The bad news, of course, is that with ease also comes an increase in falling prey to dangerous situations. However, the dangers can be lessened or avoided by following some basic safety tips. Here are 10 such safety tips which can help make your online dating experience fun, positive and, above all, safe.

1) Stick with reputable online dating services. Don’t go with a service you’ve never heard of just because it’s free or cheap. Check to see how well they screen their potential members. A dating service which screens their members is often safer than those which don’t.

2) Set up an email account that you use only for dating services or chatting online such as Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail. Never use your personal or work email for online dating.

3) Until you really get to know the person, never divulge personal information that will make it possible for someone to locate you.

4) You should immediately cease communication with people who seem obsessed with acquiring personal information about you.

5) Be aware when talking to any potential date of the following danger signs: getting angry for no apparent reason; possessiveness; elusiveness in answering direct questions; inconsistencies in information about themselves; disrespectful remarks; request for any financial information from you. These could all be potential red flags.

6) Take it slow before you agree to meet the other person. Have several conversations on the phone with the potential date so you can detect any of the above warning signs before you agree to meet face to face. If the other person tries to push you into a meeting too quickly, you might consider moving on.

7) Don't give your home phone number at first. When calling the person either call from a pay phone away from your neighborhood or block your number when calling.

8) When agreeing to meet for the first time, agree to meet in a public place with plenty of people around. Never invite a stranger into your home or to pick you up from your home. Always tell a friend or family member of your first meeting plans. You may also ask someone to call you while you’re on your first meeting/date to check up on you.

9) Limit the amount of alcohol you have on your first face-to-face meeting. Alcohol can lower your inhibitions and alter your judgment. In addition, no matter what you’re drinking, don’t ever leave your drink unattended during the date.

10) Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right about the person or situation, end the communication or date immediately. You owe no one an explanation when it concerns your safety.

You may think all the above precautions take all the fun out of online dating. However, there’s nothing fun about getting tangled up with a dangerous person. Following basic safety precautions just helps insure that the wonderful person you’re seeking is the wonderful person you end up with.

Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of Safety Tips 411, where you'll learn about such things as hidden security camera products.

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